First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Alt Phone
State laws require that some positions have restricted tasks based on age. Are you 18 years of age or older?
If hired would you be able to present evidence of your US citizenship or proof of your legal right to work in the United States?
Education - Select the highest year completed:
Highest Level of Education
Grade School
Some High School
High School Graduate
Some College
Associates Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Post Graduate Degree
I would like to be considered for: (Please select all that apply)
SOFTWARE /EQUIPMENT/OTHER Please list specific programs and check level
Do you have any other experience, training, qualifications, or skills, which you feel should be brought to our attention, in the case that they make you especially suited for working with us?
If yes, please explain.
I am available to work the following shifts:
Begin with most recent experience. List all jobs separately. Resumes may NOT be substituted for any portion of this application, but may be attached.
Company One
Company One From
Company One To
Company One Address
Company One Supervisor
Company One Supervisor Phone #
Company One Job Duties
Company Two
Company Two From
Company Two To
Company Two Address
Company Two Supervisor
Company Two Supervisor Phone #
Company Two Job Duties
Company Three
Company Three From
Company Three To
Company Three Address
Company Three Supervisor
Company Three Supervisor Phone #
Company Three Job Duties
List below three persons who have knowledge of your work performance within the last four years. Please include professional references only.
Reference Name One
Reference Phone One
Reference Occupation One
Reference Acquaintance One
Reference Name Two
Reference Phone Two
Reference Occupation Two
Reference Acquaintance Two
Reference Name Three
Reference Phone Three
Reference Occupation Three
Reference Acquaintance Three
Do you have any friends, relatives, or acquaintances working here?
If yes, state name and relationship:
Who should we notify in the case of an accident or serious illness?
Illness Name
Illness Phone Number
Do you speak, write or understand any foreign languages?
If yes, describe which language and how fluent of a speaker you consider yourself to be.
I release from liability any employers, persons or employees supplying reference information regarding my previous employment and me. I also release Clackamas County Fair from all liability which may result from any investigation of information provided in the application materials. All applicants are considered for employment based on their qualifications without regard to race, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, medical conditions or disabilities, or any other factor prohibited by law or regulation.
I release from liability any employers, persons or employees supplying reference information regarding my previous employment and me. I also release Clackamas County Fair from all liability which may result from any investigation of information provided in the application materials.
All applicants are considered for employment based on their qualifications without regard to race, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, medical conditions or disabilities, or any other factor prohibited by law or regulation.